Thursday, May 27, 2010

nick of time.

ever wonder where idioms originate from? i have a couple books that identify the birth place of the popular english phrases we throw around day-to-day. ever wonder where the phrase "nick of time" came from? well, i did. and i looked it up (<-- click & find out) and now i know. i love the english language - it's as if the languages of the world came to america in cahoots. it's a language that constantly evolves & changes & adds words, etc. well, ENEEwaiz...

after a whole week of going into work covered in paint primer (the stuff doesn't come off easy!) the kitchen has been repainted just in the nick of time ;). after a 4.5 day whirlwind business trip from baltimore to d.c., the hubs is landing in san diego in T-6 hours - hurray!!! finally =). somewhere before then, i'd like to walk the dog (i'm dog-sitting this week) & paint the living room. but for now, i'm thankful tim has a clean kitchen to walk into & not a hurricane.

without further ado,

=) my readers get the first sneak peek. what thinks you? i ended up picking a pale grey with blue undertones to complement the brown, tan, white color scheme we've got going on in our house - in certain lighting, it looks lavendar, which made me panic in the beginning. BUT it grew on me, and now i think it's just lovely. =) praise our good God for giving us hands to paint & hubbies to surprise!

* EDIT: he loves it!! purple weirdness and all! =)


  1. looks good, dude! great color choice. :] much easier to match with & it'll look awesome with wall art!

  2. i like it! it's a soothing, homey color.

    and hey, what's wrong with lavendar any the way?? ;] just kidding, i agree. not on walls.

  3. It looks great Steph! Can't wait to see it in person.

  4. yayyy, i'm glad your hubby loves it!

    it's lovely! =)

  5. we're ALSO PAINTING OUR WALLS THAT COLOR!!!!!!!! woooh!!!!!!!!!!!! the light grey/blue thing and then blue in the guest room and our room.

  6. I guess its pretty nice.
    i still am bitter that i didn't get a prize for answering all those questions.

  7. Love the color of your walls. Excited to see it in person-- see you on Thursday :]

    PS Love your posts.

  8. hello steph, long time! glad to see you are enjoying the married life! and nice color choice here - i love colors with secret undertones :)

  9. wowww it looks really good! invite me overrrr i wanna eat ur steak
